Help JBrowse


The genome browser implemented in WheatGene is JBrowse, a which is built in Javascript and HTML.

JBrowse links to genomes

To access JBrowse click on one of the genes that represent a genome in the database and this will redirect to the JBrowse page of the selected genome

Genome Browser

JBrowse browser page
(A) Alignments

Blast alignments against the reference genome can be visualized by selecting one or more from the list..

(B) Genome Assembly Features

Click on the features of the genome assembly as genes, mRNA, rRNA, or the reference sequence and it will add a new track in the ploting area.

(C) Ploting Area

The selected tracks are shown in this area.

(D) Change Genome

Genome to visualize in JBrowse can be changed by choosing one from the selectable list that is shown when click on Genome.

For detailed information of how to use JBrowse visit the official web site here.